The Young Lincolns

The Individual Human Rights to Full Personal Discoveries is the next step in " OUR " /America's authentic revolutionary process initiated by the Declaration of Independence July 4th, 1776, and later codified in the Constitution of The United States. What are these rights, the present political national stagnation, and Ithaca's present political condition have several contradictions which needs to be resolve. The following bloggings reflects the real issues, and of which to mobilize the social, cultural, political, and economic development of The Young Lincolns; as both a voting block, marketing of creative ideas institution [ a think tank ], critical path analysis of events and researched discoveries, and activists base to produce future Consitutional Admendments and reforms of the present political processes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ithaca's Nightlife as Economic Opportunity

Economic growth is dependent upon two human behavoirs on how one spends available personal capital resources ----which for the most of us comes from our income paychecks. One is that supply must meet demand in both products and services. Two, and what is less known, is the velocity, or time cycles in which capital exchange from point ' A ' to point ' B '. In simple terms is how money goes from one pocket to another in rates of time.
The economic aspect of nightlife entertainment and its central importance is that this socio-cultural sector's activities in the velocity of capital exchanges is equal to similar velocity rates found on Wall Street exchanges; they both having similar anxieties over the flow of capital and growth expectations or the loss of. None the less, nightlife entertainment is more stable as at its center are the core of performers, and services who are fighting their own fears of impending poverty, and who are more dependent upon public approval --- such as the content offerings and their tastes of restaurant menu purchases and subsequent tippings---as a result than the stock brokers. More importantly, the ability of this sector to raise local socio-cultural aspirations are far more significant to local economies than which exist upon the national scene. Just look at both the Hip Hop culture as well as more recent economic mini-booms following the economic impact trail of " Lady GaGa' - where local dress shops and restaurant sales are increased before and after each performance stop on her present concert tours.

It is the activities, emotional excitment,  and the critical aspects of economic velocity rates which becomes far greater in their acceleration rates which is the national leading factor for economic growth within nightlife entertainnent than Wall Street. This is extremely observable in poverty urban settings where growth emerges from the accelerated velocity of capital exchanges from the economic triggers found within the Hip Hop cultures. Some how the velocity rates which flows from Wall Street are immediately slowed or halted when their profits are held in holding banking reserves-where the mass of capital is allowed to attract higher interests rates on loans.

What should peek your interests is that once in history, this was the very economic fundementals being imployed by King Louis XIV in his full development of his royal court, and developing France,  with Paris as its center, into the leading cultural capital of Europe, if not the World itself. Paris, France its nightlife entertainment still maintains the traditions of International Cultural Leadership - even under circumstances when France was bankrupt, or under Nazi occupaiion, I.E,  King Louis's impact and added innovations in French Fashions, Cabarets,  Restaurants, Cafes, and The Ballet. It is how which leads one to focus on what triggers increases in velocity rates.

Email me if you want to know more .....or go and dig up King Louis XIV.

"May all of you prosper."

Mr. Roger M. Christian, Ithaca, New York

Monday, October 29, 2012

Ithaca Politics: Making Major Urban Positive Change

Ithaca's basic socio-political / socio-economic contradictions are immediately discovered in the comparisons between the economic conflicting rolls of private sector and public sector insitutional dynamics; the central cause of Ithaca / Tompkins county being over taxed. With Cornell University, Ithaca College, TC3, and Empire State College, the local information, the local technological discoveries, and the International Intellegence gathering academic processes IE developed by Cornell's PHD Thesis / Social and Human Science Canidates are the available local resources which should have created Ithaca as a Magnet Private Sector Economic Engine. Instead and within the local ethos disability dynamics [Abstracted academic thoughts over both personal, human, and physical realities; Ithaca's reality deficits. ] which emerged out of academia's future funding anxieties, have created the local institutional dynamics and public ethos of expansion of public - non - for - profit sector; thus maintaining dominace over the public sector at the cost of the private sectors securities. Thus enters the single view of proportions,,,,,,,,,,

Right now and with critical path analysis [ Analysis developed at MIT. ] review, which needs more follow up, the proportion of the public academic center is the Three verses the private commerical sector's One. Three verses the One. The contradications ares immediately precieved when they are compared to the working - already proven modle of Three being the private commercial sectors, and the public academic sectors being One which are emplaced now in California within the area of UCLA's LA Campuses' technological and information ethos of transfers benefiting the city of Los Angeles --- whose economic magnet power engines provides very healthy contributions to UCLA's state wide programs and foundations. The City of Los Angeles has other economic producing dynamics which adds to wider proportions. The Three --- is the actual porportion created by academic initiated discoveries and its real value-impact is centered on the established working dynamics of how academic based discoveries were transfered into the private sector. This ---- historically --- for Los Angeles defines the optimal roll of the academic public sector roll function to the adjacent commercial community; the central cause of Berkely's pride... The cycle relationship is then qualified [ The money itself. ] from a simple understanding of the relationship between research and development which triggers greater expansion of economic development and capital expansion of wealth as a result - which likewise necessitates a percentage of cycle of reinvestments back into research and development from the corresponding actual profits resultants.

It is in this view which brings ones attention that locally someone is shooting ones own foot with the revolver still in the holdster. The present local economy is stable --- which long ago was greatly facilitated by Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt's funding of Cornell as the R& D center IE Plant Science, for his Agricultural Economic Development Programs to increase independent owned farm productions in UpState New York. Adding food on the table during the following Great Depression, and why he became President! Despite his disability everyone knew he had a powerful answer to The Great Depression as the program he initiated was the only remaining economic success story!

The impact of the present proportions of Three to One once understood, then and only then when one takes a sound study of the present economic impact dynamics and who and what is its center economic concentration, then one can accurate view what happens when the present Three to One proportion is reversed:

Lower local taxes but higher local Teacher salries.

Lower tuitions but expansion in tenured faculty.

A full time working Elected Ithaca Common Council with higher salries to compet with the private sector, but metro'izing social and law enforment services with higher national level competitive pay rates..

Not to mention the positive impact on local job expansions, career expectations, and greater funded social support structures [ They will be needed as there will be a marginal increase in temporary unemplyment which will emerge in the delay impact economic reaction triggered by each cycle of transfer of R&D timing to the private sector.],

Roosevelt already proved this...........

The local crtitical path analysis reviews included the Economic Impact Studies of the University of Buffalo [ SUNYaB } on the Adjacent Community of Buffalo / Erie County by Dr. Larry Southwick, School of Management, SUNYaB, 1968 through subsequent following studies up to 1972; and UCLA at Berkely's studies directly inspired by Southwick's success in defining academic economic impacts --- as his study became the center for Buffalo's economic redevelopment and lobby success for its mass transiet system - dyring the 70s.. Cornell Economic recent study was likewise reviewed, but found to be limited and problematic [ I.E,  A portion of Ithaca Colleges Economic Impact resultant were included unknown to the researchers and was falsely labeled as Cornell's economic derivatives in the study's stats. } in overall comparisons - which indicates a need for Cornell to conduct follow up review studies.